beoordeeld met een 9,2


Naam Re-record
Straat Meranti 188
Postcode 3315TT
Plaats Dordrecht
Provincie Zuid-Holland
Telefoon 51842645

Website informatie

Website titel re-records | imprint. record label.
Beschrijving website re-records, imprint, record label, experimental music from hong kong.
Keywords: re-records, no one pulse, sin:ned, wong chung fai, kwc, chau kin wai, iii, music, electro-acoustic, improvisation, experimental, hong kong, electronic, micro noise, soundscape, ambient, noise, lowercase, minimal, circuit bending, field recordings, glitch

Website inhoud

  • People
  • Noise to signal 0.49: next to nothing
  • About us
  • Discography
  • Kill jazz 08: pgr / adam neutron / callum mackenzie
  • Inter-face: ivo bol × kwc